- Draw up a budget using the 50/30/20 rule
A budget is a roadmap to tell your money where to go. It can help you make better financial decisions, prepare for emergencies, get out of debt, and stay focused on your long-term financial goals.
“One budgeting method that you can use it called the 50/30/20 budgeting rule – where 50% of your budget is allocated to needs (i.e. rent, transport etc), 30% is your wants and what you enjoy (.i.e. eating out, entertaining, buying expensive clothes, luxury items and hobbies) and 20% is for paying off debts and saving towards your goals.” explains Mapalo.
- Spend less than you can afford to
Whether it’s buying a house, a car or booking a holiday, buy something that is lower than you can afford so that you still get to enjoy the simple things in life, like that movie ticket or quad biking experience.
“One habit that I would say South Africans need to break, is living beyond their means. This isn’t simple, because salaries aren’t increasing as much as inflation and salaries have been under pressure, but you can start looking at alternative ways to live within your means. Like starting a side hustle to increase your income, and again, going back to your budget and seeing what you don’t need to be spending money on,” adds Mapalo.