We spent some one-on-one time with Fusion Boutique Hotel Designer, Owner & Managing Director Maria Du Plessis, to find out more about her take on “living better”, and her design process for the project.
How does ‘living better’ influence your design process / how does your work inspire living better?
“I have tried never to design according to accepted rules, patterns or trends. Everything in Fusion is unique and different and this is what makes it so special. The one thing all our designs have in common is a feeling of absolute luxury and over the top drama and excessiveness and I believe this is why guests return.”
What legacy would you like your business to leave behind?
I have travelled the world and have had the privilege to stay in a lot of very nice hotels but I specifically remember a hotel in Zagreb that was 120 years old that remains one of the most beautiful classic hotels I have stayed in. I would like Fusion to be like that 100 years from now where people can experience the same level of high service in a stunning environment over and over again.”