Once landed and recorded the fish enters a digital marketplace which is accompanied by a full traceability system.. A Push Notification is sent out alerting buyers to the ‘Catch of the Day’, a useful WhatsApp group is also available to buyers wanting more detail on catches. This gives the consumer a window into the lives of small-scale fishers and an offering of fresh, seasonal fish and pantry items. By ordering via the ABALOBI Marketplace buyers have piece of mind that fishers were paid a fair price for their catch.
The app has connected buyers to small-scale fishers in 9 different communities, includingLambert’s Bay: a traditional fishing community along the West Coast.
Former fisher and co-founder of ABALOBI, Nico Waldeck shares, “Our grandfathers were fishers, our fathers were fishers. That’s all that we know”. Nico shares the difficulties small-scale fishers have with the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fishing (DEFF) in securing fishing rights and permits.
Now, with the app, fishers have proof of them working out at sea and practicing responsible fishing. Nico adds, “It’s the first time in my whole fishing life that I’ve learnt that fishers can actually be the price-setters. Fishers have a say in what they’re doing. They can now go to sea with pride and know that they will get a fair price for their fish”.