In the interest of sharing crafts and stories, Nkuli has recently moved to Sweden. This opportunity has brought with it both new challenges and opportunities; however, Nkuli has been making the most of her new environment as she continues to make an impact on the world around her
Nkuli is also able to use her platform to share her inspiration and stories with others, and today brings the intersection of African influence, heritage, and vision to the stage in Sweden.
Through the Ninevites, Nkuli’s work continues to find itself in homes around the world. Each piece of work is custom made; Nkuli adds that “I normally communicate with my clients as to what colours they want, and then I’ll custom-make it and send it to them.”
For Nkuli, the opportunity to bring her art and vision to an international stage is also a moment to reflect on her own style, identity, and art – where she can seamlessly weave African designs into her work in a framework where her own twist is left evident in the appreciation of those who have purchased her works.