“I opened a Capitec account for my mom because she sometimes had to stay in Joburg for a fortnight, so one of us would have to go to Joburg to fetch money from her as she wasn’t able to send the money back home. I decided to open a Capitec account for her as the interest is reasonable, and there are branches everywhere,” shares daughter Nomsa Ntuli.
Capitec believes firmly that supporting community initiatives fosters a supportive society.
“It’s important to support community initiatives. We have over 18 million customers that love us. We want to show that love back and feel that this fosters an environment of giving back,” shares Jordan Dunn, Marketing Co-ordinator at Capitec.
“I’m most excited for Ma Betty because now she doesn’t have to go to the big streets of Johannesburg as she has her own spaza right here in her own community,” shares Esona.