When it comes to waste collection and maintenance in South Africa, there seems to be a huge gap. Approximately 41% of households in the country go without basic waste collection services, let alone recycling services. While only 10% of waste is recycled, the other 90% ends up in landfills. Instead of wasting, Kevin repurposes materials in an effort to change the way we think about sustainability.
Kevin collects recycled and discarded materials from informal recyclers, local businesses, and the motorcar industry and reuses it to innovatively construct new designs. He explains, “If you look at Africa, there’s a lot on ingenuity in repurposing and reusing materials that just comes naturally to African people. I thought maybe I could extend this into the built environment”.
Being close to the community means that Kevin often hears of people in need, like 78-year-old Gogo Selinah Ncanywa. Selinah lives with her granddaughter, Michelle Sikhunjulwe Ncanywa, and has been looking after her since her mother passed away giving birth. The community’s elders and local church has been supporting Gogo Selinah and Michelle and identified them as a family in urgent need of Kevin’s help.