Braving the unknowns and anxieties, Jonathan submerges himself to slowly acclimatise to life underwater. “The magic of being out there is life-changing,” shares Jonathan, “When you’re floating near the surface, you can see the sun streaks through the water and you feel so close to nature.”
Stephan explains, “It’s definitely a meditative experience. You have to really focus on yourself, try to calm yourself, and to move as little as possible. When you’re gliding through the water, through the kelp forest and over the coral reef, there’s minimal movement involved. In every other sport you have to be active and get the adrenaline going, but with freediving that doesn’t work. You have to slow down and calm down to get the most enjoyment out of the sport.”
Getting lost between the kelp forest proved to be a magical experience for Jonathan. However, learning how to properly dive and conserve breathe and energy underwater definitely introduced a new challenge for this freediving novice. Jonathan describes the feeling of controlling his breath like floating, saying, “You get this incredible feeling like you’ve reached the twilight zone and like you could just hold your breath forever! Learning how to control your breathing is such a valuable thing – even for everyday life.”