What does ‘living better’ mean to you? / How are you aspiring to live better?
Through my stained glass, I try to leave something of lasting beauty. We also restore old stained glass windows for churches, as lead oxidizes and becomes brittle at around 100 years. The stained glass has to be carefully removed, taken apart and re-leaded with new lead and weather proofed with cement putty. The Eastern Cape has a priceless heritage of stained glass made over a hundred years ago by the best Studios in the world. Studios like James Powell & Sons, Morris & Co, as well Heaton, Butler and Bayne. They employed famous artists like Sir Edward Burnie-Jones, and Henry Holiday all who had paintings in galleries like the Tate.
All the stained glass windows in the Eastern Cape are made using mouth blown glass, an art form in itself. The art of stained glass has been around for over 800 years. The craft has changed little over this period. The studios who made these priceless windows are no longer in business so it is our privilege to restore them and preserve them for future generations.
We have lost so much due to COVID. It is important to ask, what do we have? What do we build? What examples of great art, music etc do we leave for the next generation? I.e works of people creating at their best. We have to ask ourselves, what do we give? Surely profit cannot be the sole motivation for our existence.