Colin Furlong has worked at Cape Cobra for 46 years and is regarded as a master cutter, and was first brought into the business as a teenager under Lothar Schäfer. Colin serves a variety of roles across and production line, and further designs products – remarking that “It’s in my blood”.
At Cape Cobra, specialist artisans respectfully preserve the natural beauty of the skin and allocate them to specific designs. Allowing the perfect culmination of design and detail. No piece will ever be the same and that is what gives exotic leather products their luxurious allure.
Robert Schäfer, Cape Cobra’s Manager Director, oversees an expanding product line – from handbags to sneakers.
“What’s very important for South Africa”, says Robert, is to take what we are blessed with, and in a managed process, beneficiate it, and produce something that can compete with our equals in Europe, can be exported, and can create jobs”.